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Gaelscoil Léim an Mhadaidh, Limavady

Cóicearacht faoi lán seoil le Mary. Rang 1/2 enjoying cooking with Mary.

13th Nov 2019

Tá Rang 1/2 ag fáil deis ar an téarma seo le bheith ag cóiceareacht le Mary. D’éirigh leo bunnóga ‘Rice Krispie’ agus tóstaithe cáise agus liamhais a dhéanamh go dtí seo. Foghlaimíonn said go leor faoi shláinte agus faoi shábháilteacht sa chistin.

Rang 1/2 have had the opportunity this term to learn cooking with Mary. They have made Rice Kispie buns as well as Ham and Cheese toasties. They have learned a lot about hygiene and safety in the kitchen too.